Degree: Doctor
1. Jaya Singh, Yuxin Zhang, Hanquan Yuan, Shuyang Cao (2020): Numerical generation of inflow turbulence by cell perturbation technique in WRF simulation, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 206, 104395.
2. Mengen Wang, Shuyang Cao, Jinxin Cao (2020): Tornado-like-vortex-induced wind pressure on a low-rise building with opening in roof corner, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 205, 104308.
3. Mengen Wang, Shuyang Cao, Jinxin Cao (2019): Numerical study of tornado-like flow, Journal of Tongji University (Natural Science), 47(11), 1548-1556.
4. Yuanzhe Tang, Shuyang Cao (2019): Numerical Simulation of Wind Pressures on a High-rise Building by Auto-mesh System, International Journal of High-Rise Buildings, 8(4), 255-264.
5. Cao Jinxin, Ren Shaolan, Cao Shuyang, Ge Yaojun (2019): Physical simulations on wind loading characteristics of streamlined bridge decks under tornado-like vortices, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 189, 56-74.
6. Jin Wang, Weichiang Pang, Shuyang Cao, Qiang Zhou, Haili Liao (2019): Fragility analysis of the roof structure of low-rise buildings subjected to tornado vortices, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 189, 45-55.
7. Mengen Wang, Shuyang Cao,Jinxin Cao. Numerical modelling of tornado winds. Tongji Journal, 2019, 47(11): 1548-1556.
8. Shuyang Cao, Mengen Wang, Jinxin Cao (2018): Numerical study of wind pressure on low-rise buildings induced by tornado-like flows, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 183, 214-222.
9. Haotian Dong, Shuyang Cao, Tetsuya Takemi, Yaojun Ge (2018): WRF simulation of surface wind in high latitudes, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 179, 287-296.
10. Jin Wang, Shuyang Cao, Weichiang Pang, Jinxin Cao (2018): Experimental study on tornado-induced wind pressures on a cubic building with openings, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 144(2), 04017206.
11. Shuyang Cao, Mengen Wang, Jinwei Zhu, Jinxin Cao, Tetsuro Tamura, Qingshan Yang (2018), Numerical investigation of effects of rotating downdraft on tornado-like-vortex characteristics, Wind and Structures, 26(3), 115-128.
12. G.R. Sabareesh, Shuyang Cao, Jin Wang, Masahiro Matsui, Yukio Tamura (2018): Effect of building proximity on external and internal pressures under tornado like flow, Wind and Structures, 26(3), 163-177.
13. Shuyang Cao, Jinxin Cao (2017): Toward better understanding of turbulence effects on bridge aerodynamics, Front. Built Environ., 3, Article 72.
14. Haotian Dong, Shuyang Cao, Yaojun Ge (2017): Large-eddy simulation of stably stratified flow past a rectangular cylinder in a channel of finite depth, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 170, 214-225.
15. Jin Wang, Shuyang Cao, Weichiang Pang, Jinxin Cao (2017): Experimental study on effects of ground roughness on flow characteristics of tornado-like vortices, Boundary-layer Meteorology, 162(2), 319-339.