











    1.   国家自然科学基金面上项目,“再生混凝土早期收缩调控机理与预测模型”,52178244,2022.01-2025.12, 项目负责人

    2.   国家自然科学基金青年项目,“再生混凝土流变性及其预测研究”,51708419,2018.01-2020.12,项目负责人

    3.   上海市科委基础性研究自然基金计划项目,“考虑骨料吸水时变性的再生混凝土早期收缩性能研究”,21ZR1465000,2021.07-2024.06,项目负责人

    4.   上海市科委浦江人才(A类),“再生混凝土流变性能发展规律与调控方法研究”,17PJ1409500,2017.09- 2019.06,项目负责人

    5.   国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项,“基于海绵城市建设的多路径资源再生混凝土技术与应用”,2016YFE0118200,2016.12- 2019.05,子课题负责人

    6. 科技部政府间国际科技创新合作(中韩),“基于循环经济和碳中和的高效节能综合建筑墙体系统”,2022YFE0198300,2021.07-2026.06,项目共同负责人

    7.   中央高校基本科研业务费,同济大学学科交叉联合攻关项目 ,“装修垃圾资源化属性与再生砂浆流变性”,2022-4-YB-08,2022.06-2024.05,项目负责人

    8.   中央高校基本科研业务费,同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划,“不同品质再生微粉对自密实混凝土流变性能的影响研究”,2016KJ021  ,2017.01- 2018.12,项目负责人

    9.   同济大学土木工程高峰学科学科交叉类合作基金,“基于3D打印的再生粉体ECC‘油墨’材料制备工艺与性能研究”,2017.07- 2019.06,项目负责人

    10. 同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系可持续建筑工程关键技术研发课题,“混凝土结构建筑绿色拆除与资源化关键技术研究”,2018.05-2021.04,项目负责人

    11. 广西大学广西防灾减灾与工程安全重点实验室开放课题, “再生混凝土早期收缩机理与调控方法”,2021.12-2023.11,项目负责人

    12. 上海环境卫生工程设计院,“装修垃圾处理项目末端再生原料的性质分析测试”,2019.11-2020.12,项目负责人

    13. 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司,“郑州南站雨棚高性能混凝土联方网壳结构关键技术研究”,2018.11-2019.11,子课题负责人

    14. 上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会,“‘建筑废弃混凝土再生处理临时场所建设与技术标准’后评估”,2019.03-2019.11,项目负责人

    15. 山西省交通科技研发有限公司,“单一因素和环境耦合作用影响下混凝土微观结构测试试验”,2022.02-2022.12,项目负责人




    1.      Duan, Z., Jiang, S., Xiao, J., Hou, S., Chen, X. (2021) Effect of Moisture Condition of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on the Properties of Concrete [再生粗骨料含水状态对混凝土性能的影响] Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials, 24 (3), pp. 545-550

    2.      Hou, S., Duan, Z., Xiao, J., Ye, J. (2021) A review of 3D printed concrete: Performance requirements, testing measurements and mix design  Construction and Building Materials, 273, 论文编号 121745共同一作

    3.      Hou, S., Duan, Z., Xiao, J., Li, L., Bai, Y. (2021) Effect of moisture condition and brick content in recycled coarse aggregate on rheological properties of fresh concrete. Journal of Building Engineering, 35, 论文编号 102075共同一作

    4.      Duan, Z., Li, B., Xiao, J., Guo, W. (2021) Optimizing mix proportion of recycled aggregate concrete by readjusting the aggregate gradation. Structural Concrete, 22 (S1), pp. E22-E32

    5.      Duan, Z., Hou, S., Poon, C.-S., Jiang, S., Xiao, J. (2020) Rheology of recycled fine aggregate concrete and its effect on strength and durability [再生细骨料混凝土流变性及其对强度和耐久性的影响]. Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao/Journal of Building Structures, 41, pp. 420-426

    6.      Duan, Z., Singh, A., Xiao, J., Hou, S. (2020) Combined use of recycled powder and recycled coarse aggregate derived from construction and demolition waste in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 254, 论文编号 119323

    7.      Duan, Z., Hou, S., Xiao, J., Li, B. (2020) Study on the essential properties of recycled powders from construction and demolition waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 253, 论文编号 119865

    8.      Duan, Z., Hou, S., Xiao, J., Singh, A. (2020) Rheological properties of mortar containing recycled powders from construction and demolition wastes. Construction and Building Materials, 237, 论文编号 117622

    9.      Duan, Z., Han, N., Singh, A., Xiao, J. (2020) Multi-scale investigation on concrete prepared with recycled aggregates from different parent concrete. Journal of Renewable Materials, 8 (11), pp. 1375-1390

    10.   Duan, Z., Hou, S., Poon, C.-S., Xiao, J., Liu, Y. (2018) Using neural networks to determine the significance of aggregate characteristics affecting the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 8(11), 2171

    11.   Duan, Z., Poon, C.S., Xiao, J. (2017) Using artificial neural networks to assess the applicability of recycled aggregate classification by different specifications. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 50(2), 107

    12.   Duan, Z., Poon, C.S. (2014) Factors affecting the properties of recycled concrete by using neural networks. Computers and Concrete, 14(5), pp. 547–561

    13.   Duan, Z., Poon, C.S. (2014) Properties of recycled aggregate concrete made with recycled aggregates with different amounts of old adhered mortars. Materials and Design, 58, pp. 19–29

    14.   Duan, Z., Kou, S.C., Poon, C.S. (2013) Using artificial neural networks for predicting the elastic modulus of recycled aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 44, pp. 524–532

    15.   Duan, Z., Kou, S.C., Poon, C.S. (2013) Prediction of compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete using artificial neural networks. Construction and Building Materials, 40, pp. 1200–1206



    1.     Ye, T., Xiao, J., Zhao, W., Duan, Z.*, Xu, Y. (2022) Combined use of recycled concrete aggregate and glass cullet in mortar: Strength, alkali expansion and chemical compositions. Journal of Building Engineering, 55, 104721

    2.     Xiao, J., Zhang, H., Zou, S., Duan, Z., Ma, Y. (2022) Developing recycled foamed concrete for engineered material arresting system. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 53, 104555

    3.     Xiao, J., Lv, Z., Duan, Z.*, Hou, S. (2022) Study on preparation and mechanical properties of 3D printed concrete with different aggregate combinations. Journal of Building Engineering, 51, 论文编号 104282

    4.     Ye, T., Lu, J., Duan, Z.*, Li, L., Zhu, D. (2022) Accelerated Curing for Glass-Based Mortars Using Water at 80 °C. Materials, 15 (6), 论文编号 2109

    5.     Li, B., Hou, S., Duan, Z.*, Li, L., Guo, W. (2021) Rheological behavior and compressive strength of concrete made with recycled fine aggregate of different size range. Construction and Building Materials, 268, 论文编号 121172

    6.     Hou, S., Duan, Z.*, Ma, Z., Singh, A. (2020) Improvement on the properties of waste glass mortar with nanomaterials. Construction and Building Materials, 254, 论文编号 118973.

    7.     Ma, Z., Duan, Z.*, Ba, G. (2019) Effects of an Applied Load on the Chloride Penetration of Concrete with Recycled Aggregates and Recycled Powder. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019, 论文编号 1340803




    1.     Zhang, H., Xiao, J., Duan, Z., Zou, S., Xia, B. (2022) Effects of printing paths and recycled fines on drying shrinkage of 3D printed mortar Construction and Building Materials, 342, 128007

    2.     Zhang, H., Xiao, J., Tang, Y., Duan, Z., Poon, C.-S. (2022) Long-term shrinkage and mechanical properties of fully recycled aggregate concrete: Testing and modelling. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 130, 104527

    3.     Ye, T., Xiao, J., Duan, Z., Li, S. (2022) Geopolymers made of recycled brick and concrete powder – A critical review. Construction and Building Materials, 330, 127232

    4.     Wang, Y., Xiao, J., Zhang, J., Duan, Z. (2022) Mechanical Behavior of Concrete Prepared with Waste Marble Powder. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(7), 4170

    5.     Tang, Y., Xiao, J., Zhang, H., Duan, Z., Xia, B. (2022) Mechanical properties and uniaxial compressive stress-strain behavior of fully recycled aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 323, 126546

    6.     Wang, D., Xiao, J., Duan, Z. (2022) Strategies to accelerate CO2 sequestration of cement-based materials and their application prospects. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 314, 125646

    7.     Xiao, J., Poon, C.S., Zhao, Y., ...Duan, Z., Peng, L. (2022) Fundamental behavior of recycled aggregate concrete - Overview II: Durability and enhancement. Magazine of Concrete Research

    8.     Zhang, Q., Xiao, J., Zhang, K., Duan, Z. (2022) Mechanical behavior of seawater sea-sand recycled concrete columns confined by engineered cementitious composite under eccentric compression. Journal of Building Engineering, 45, 103497

    9.     Zou, S., Xiao, J., Duan, Z., Ding, T., Hou, S.(2021) On rheology of mortar with recycled fine aggregate for 3D printing. Construction and Building Materials, 311, 125312

    10.  Hou, S., Xiao, J., Duan, Z., Ma, G. (2021) Fresh properties of 3D printed mortar with recycled powder. Construction and Building Materials, 309, 125186

    11.  Xiao, J., Zou, S., Ding, T., Duan, Z., Liu, Q. (2021) Fiber-reinforced mortar with 100% recycled fine aggregates: A cleaner perspective on 3D printing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 319, 128720

    12.  Xiao, J., Ji, G., Zhang, Y., ...Duan, Z., Du, S. (2021) Large-scale 3D printing concrete technology: Current status and future opportunities. Cement and Concrete Composites, 122, 104115

    13.  Zou, S., Xiao, J., Ding, T., Duan, Z., Zhang, Q. (2021) Printability and advantages of 3D printing mortar with 100% recycled sand. Construction and Building Materials, 273, 121699

    14.  Xiao, J.-Z., Ma, X.-W., Liu, Q., Zhang, H.-H., Duan, Z.-H. (2021) Evolvement and research progress of concept for full recycled concrete. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 38(2), pp. 1–15,

    15.  Xiao, J., Zou, S., Yu, Y., ... Duan, Z.,...Wu, Y., Li, L.( 2020) 3D recycled mortar printing: System development, process design, material properties and on-site printing. Journal of Building Engineering, 32, 101779

    16.  Ding, T., Xiao, J., Qin, F., Duan, Z. (2020) Mechanical behavior of 3D printed mortar with recycled sand at early ages. Construction and Building Materials, 248, 118654

    17.  Liang, C., Lu, N., Ma, H., Ma, Z., Duan, Z. ( 2020) Carbonation behavior of recycled concrete with CO2-curing recycled aggregate under various environments. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 39, 101185

    18.  Ma, Z., Liu, M., Duan, Z., Liang, C., Wu, H. (2020) Effects of active waste powder obtained from C&D waste on the microproperties and water permeability of concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 257, 120518

    19.  Singh, A., Duan, Z., Xiao, J., Liu, Q. (2020) Incorporating recycled aggregates in self-compacting concrete: a review. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 9(3), pp. 165–189

    20.  Ma, Z., Liu, M., Tang, Q., Liang, C., Duan, Z. (2020) Chloride permeability of recycled aggregate concrete under the coupling effect of freezing-thawing, elevated temperature or mechanical damage. Construction and Building Materials, 237, 117648

    21.  Xiao, J.-Z., Zhang, H.-H., Tang, C.-J., ...Duan, Z.-H., Zhang, Q.-T. (2020) Investigation on low-strength recycled concrete and its application. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 37(2), pp. 20–26

    22.  Xiao, J.-Z., Chen, X.-L., Li, B., Xue, S.-T., Duan, Z.-H. (2020) Effect of mixed Nano-SiO2 and fly ash on properties of recycled aggregate concrete. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 37(1), pp. 26–32

    23.  Liang, C., Pan, B., Ma, Z., He, Z., Duan, Z. (2020) Utilization of CO2 curing to enhance the properties of recycled aggregate and prepared concrete: A review. Cement and Concrete Composites, 105, 103446

    24.  Liang, C., Ma, H., Pan, Y., ...Duan, Z., He, Z. (2019) Chloride permeability and the caused steel corrosion in the concrete with carbonated recycled aggregate. Construction and Building Materials, 218, pp. 506–518

    25.  Ma, Z., Ba, G., Duan, Z. (2019) Effects of high temperature and cooling pattern on the chloride permeability of concrete. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019, 论文编号 2465940

    26.  Zhang, Q., Xiao, J., Liao, Q., Duan, Z. (2019) Structural behavior of seawater sea-sand concrete shear wall reinforced with GFRP bars. Engineering Structures, 189, pp. 458–470

    27.  Ji, G., Ding, T., Xiao, J., ...Li, J., Duan, Z. (2019) A 3D printed ready-mixed concrete power distribution substation: Materials and construction technology. Materials, 12(9), 1540

    28.  Xiao, J., Ma, Z., Sui, T., Akbarnezhad, A., Duan, Z. (2018) Mechanical properties of concrete mixed with recycled powder produced from construction and demolition waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, pp. 720–731

    29.  Lu, J.-X., Zhan, B.-J., Duan, Z.-H., Poon, C.S. (2017) Using glass powder to improve the durability of architectural mortar prepared with glass aggregates. Materials and Design, 135, pp. 102–111

    30.  Lu, J.-X., Zhan, B.-J., Duan, Z.-H., Poon, C.S. (2017) Improving the performance of architectural mortar containing 100% recycled glass aggregates by using SCMs. Construction and Building Materials, 153, pp. 975–985

    31.  Lu, J.-X., Duan, Z.-H., Poon, C.S. (2017) Combined use of waste glass powder and cullet in architectural mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites, 82, pp. 34–44

    32.  Lu, J.-X., Duan, Z.-H., Poon, C.S. (2017) Fresh properties of cement pastes or mortars incorporating waste glass powder and cullet. Construction and Building Materials, 131, pp. 793–799


    [1]    一种再生混凝土模型及其制备方法.(发明授权: ZL202011128471.2

    [2]    一种利用CO2强化再生粉体制备的再生混凝土砌块.(发明授权: ZL202010745040.4

    [3]    一种利用建筑弃土烧结微粉制备的生态混凝土及其混凝土制品的制备方法.(发明授权: ZL201911423021.3

    [4]    一种基于再生玻璃砂的可3D打印UHPC及制备方法.(发明授权: ZL202010297395.1

    [5]    一种新鲜报废混凝土的再生利用方法.(发明授权: ZL201910852974.5

    [6]    一种废弃3D打印混凝土制备3D打印油墨的方法.(发明授权: ZL202010745022.6

    [7]    一种用于组合混凝土柱的水泥基型材及其构造方法.(发明授权: ZL201910359476.7

    [8]    一种利用生物煤生态烧结弃土制备轻质陶粒的方法.(发明授权: ZL201911393156.X

    [9]    一种网格状混凝土人工珊瑚礁体及其制备方法和应用.(发明授权: ZL201910925055.6, 权利人: 同济大学, 江苏韧强建筑科技有限公司)

    [10] 一种再生粘胶砂浆及其制备方法.(发明授权: ZL201810043898.9

    [11] 一种用于3D打印建造的再生粉体混凝土及制备方法.(发明授权: ZL201810909189.4

    [12] 一种用于3D打印的混凝土材料及制备方法.(发明授权: ZL 201810913908.X

    [13]  用脱硫二水石膏制备α型半水石膏浆及石膏制品的方法.(发明授权: ZL 200810022843.6

    [14]  一种用脱硫二水石膏制备高强α型半水石膏的方法.(发明授权: ZL 200810022842.1


    1. 国内会议, 第八届全国再生混凝土学术交流会、第四届全国建筑固废学术交流会, 2020.12.25-27, 哈尔滨, 学术委员会委员、组委会副主任,并主持大会闭幕式。

    2. 国内会议,无机材料结构、性能及测试表征技术研讨会,水泥基材料流变性能与测试技术,2020.11.20-23,厦门,邀请报告:再生混凝土流变性能研究进展。

    3. 国内会议, 第三届全国建筑固废学术交流会暨第七届全国再生混凝土学术交流会, 2019.11.1-3, 青岛, 学术委员会委员、组委会副主任

    4. 国内会议, 第六届全国再生混凝土学术交流会、第二届全国建筑固废学术交流会, 2018.10.16-18, 南京, 学术委员会委员、组委会副主任

    5. 国内会议, 全国建筑固废专委会成立大会, 2016.7.15-17, 北京, 特邀报告

    6. 参编上海市地方标准《再生骨料混凝土技术要求》(DB31/T 1128-2019

    7. 参编上海市工程建设规范《再生骨料混凝土应用技术标准》(DG/TJ08-2018-2020

    8. 参编广西工程建设地方标准《再生骨料混凝土应用技术规程》(DBJ/T45-107-2020

    9. 参编上海石材行业协会团体标准《建筑废弃混凝土再生处理临时场所建设与技术标准》(T/SHST000001-2018

    10. 参编山西工程建设地方标准《再生骨料混凝土应用技术标准》

    11. 主编中国建筑材料联合会协会标准《3D打印混凝土材料与建筑构件》

    12. 参编建材行业标准《3D打印水泥基材料界面强度的试验方法》

    13. 参编行业标准《施工现场建筑垃圾减量化技术标准》

    14. 参编中国工程建设标准化协会标准《建筑工程施工控制技术标准》

    15. 参编中环协团体标准《建筑垃圾分类收运技术规程》

    16. 参编中环协团体标准《再生骨料制作畜水层技术标准》

    17. 参编中环协团体标准《建筑垃圾再生细骨料回填材料应用技术规程》

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