




    [1] 气候变化与极端风灾模拟预测

    [2] 桥梁与结构风振机理及其控制

    [3] 风工程中不确定性量化与传递

    [4] 结构可靠度理论与风险评估等

    [5] 风工程数据物理融合与AI应用





    [1] 中国科协第九届青年人才托举工程项目(依托中国土木工程学会,科协资助)

    [2] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,52108469,大跨度桥梁台风灾变的气候变化影响与极端效应分析,2022-01至2024-12,在研,主持

    [3] 上海市教育委员会,晨光计划(A类),22CGA21,跨海桥梁台风多重致灾因子极端荷载与关键效应研究,2023-1至2024-12,在研,主持

    [4] 国家重点研发计划:大跨公路桥梁涡激共振防控关键技术及装备(项目)(2022YFC3005300),桥梁复杂模态参数识别及大振幅、宽频带大型激振装备研发(课题)(2022YFC3005302),子课题负责人

    [5] 上海市科学技术委员会,浦江人才计划(A类),20PJ1413600,气候变化背景下台风极端风荷载及其大跨柔性桥梁风效应研究,2020-11至2022-10,结题,主持

    [6] 同济大学自主原创基础研究项目,22120220577,超大跨桥梁主动气动翼板颤振控制理论与方法,2022-11至2024-10,在研,主持

    [7] 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目,202201027,中国大陆地区龙卷风数据库构建与极端风荷载模拟,2023-1至2024-12,在研,主持

    [8] 桥梁结构抗风技术交通行业重点实验室(上海)自主研究课题青年基金,KLWRTBMC-07,台风作用下大跨桥梁抖振分析的数据驱动算法,2021-09至2022-09,结题,主持

    [9] 华润电力湖北有限公司,华润电力蒲圻三期#5机组循环水冷却塔风洞物理模型实验,2022-09至2023-12,主持

    [10] 中交公路规划设计院(厦门)有限公司,泉州百崎通道勘察设计桥梁抗风专题研究,2023-03至2024-12,主持

    [11] 上海明绿新能源有限公司,上海白龙港污水处理厂光伏支架抗风性能研究,2023-8至2023-12,主持

    [12] 广西路桥工程集团有限公司,天峨龙滩特大桥抗风性能研究(世界最大跨径拱桥,主跨600米),2023-03至2024-12,排名第2

    [13] 中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司,观音寺长江大桥抗风性能研究(世界第二跨径斜拉桥,主跨1160米),2022-12至2024-6,排名第2


    Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2glt3KQAAAAJ&hl=en

    ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Genshen-Fang

    Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189986856&eid=2-s2.0-85083917483


    [1] Fang G. S., Wang J. Q., Li S., Zhang S. B., 2016. Dynamic characteristics analysis of partial-interaction composite continuous beams. Steel and Composite Structures, 21(1): 195-216. (Q1, IF = 4.6)

    [2] Fang G. S., Zhao L., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., Pang W., 2018. A novel analytical model for wind field simulation under typhoon boundary layer considering multi-field parameters correlation, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 175: 77-89. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [3] Fang G. S., Zhao L., Song L. L., Liang X. D., Zhu L. D., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2018. Reconstruction of radial parametric pressure field near ground surface of landing typhoons in northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 183: 223-234. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [4] Fang G. S., Zhao L., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., Li K., 2019. Gust characteristics of near-ground typhoon winds. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 188: 323-337. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [5] Fang G. S., Cao J. X., Yang Y. X., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2020. Experimental uncertainty quantification of flutter derivatives for a P-K section girder and its application on probabilistic flutter analysis. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 25(7): 04020034. (Q2, IF = 3.6)

    [6] Fang G. S., Zhao L., Chen X., Cao J. X., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2020. Normal and typhoon wind loadings on a large cooling tower: a comparative study. Journal of Fluid and Structures, 95: 102938. (Q2, IF = 3.6)

    [7] Fang G. S., Zhao L., Cao S. Y., Zhu L. D., Ge Y. J., 2020. Estimation of tropical cyclone wind hazards in coastal regions of China. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), 20: 1617-1637. (Q1, IF = 4.6)

    [8] Fang G. S., Pang W., Zhao L., Rawal P., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2021. Toward a refined estimation of typhoon wind hazards: parametric modeling and upstream terrain effects. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 209: 104460. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [9] Liu P., Zhao L., Fang G. S., Ge Y. J., 2021. Explicit polynomial regression models of wind characteristics and structural effects on a long-span bridge utilizing onsite monitoring data. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2705. (Q1, IF = 5.4)

    [10] Fang G. S., Pang W., Zhao L., Cui W., Zhu L. D., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2021. Extreme typhoon wind speed mapping for coastal region of China: a geographically-weighted-regression-based circular subregion algorithm. Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(10): 04021146. (Q2, IF = 4.1)

    [11] Liu S. Y., Zhao L., Fang G. S., Hu C. X., Ge Y. J., 2021. Investigation on aerodynamic force nonlinear evolution for a central-slotted box girder under torsional vortex-induced vibration. Journal of Fluid and Structures, 106: 103380. (Q2, IF = 3.6)

    [12] Liu S. Y., Zhao L., Fang G. S., Hu C. X., Ge Y. J., 2022. Nonlinear characteristics and modeling of self-excited forces for a quasi-flat plate in the torsional degree of freedom: effects of the angle of attack and vibration amplitude. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107: 2027–2051. (Q1, IF = 5.6)

    [13] Fang G. S., Pang W., Zhao L., Xu K., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2022. Tropical-cyclone-wind-induced flutter failure analysis of long-span bridges. Engineering Failure Analysis, 132: 105933. (Q2, IF = 4.0)

    [14] Xu K., Dai Q., Bi K. M., Fang G. S., Zhao L., 2022. Multi-mode vortex-induced vibration control of long-span bridges by using distributed tuned mass damper inerters (DTMDIs). Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 224: 104970. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [15] Xu K., Dai Q., Bi K. M., Fang G. S., Ge Y. J., 2022. Closed-form design formulas of TMDI for suppressing vortex-induced vibration of bridge structures. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29: e3016. (Q1, IF = 5.4)

    [16] Yi G. X., Pan J. J., Zhao L., Song L. L., Fang G. S., Cui W., Ge Y. J., 2022. Profiles of mean wind and turbulence intensity during strong typhoon landfall. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 228: 105106 (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [17] Liu Z. H., Fang G. S.*, Zhao L., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2022. A case study of gust factor characteristics for typhoon Morakat observed by distributed sites. Wind and Structures, 35(1): 21-34. (Q3, IF = 1.6)

    [18] Fang G. S., Wei M. M., Zhao L., Xu K., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2022. Site- and building height-dependent design extreme wind speed vertical profile of tropical cyclone. Journal of Building Engineering, 62: 105322. (Q1, IF = 6.4)

    [19] Liu Z. H., Fang G. S.*, Hu X. N., Xu K., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2022. Stochastic power spectra models for typhoon and non-typhoon winds: a data-driven algorithm. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 231: 105214. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [20] Hu X. N., Fang G. S.*, Yang J. Y., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2023. Simplified models for uncertainty quantification of extreme events using Monte Carlo technique. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230: 108935. (Q1, IF = 8.1)

    [21] Li K., Yang Q. S., Wang X., Li S. P., Hui Y., Fang G. S., Qian G. W., 2024. The impact of the wind attack angle on a typical bridge deck’s flutter behavior by the distributed aerodynamic characteristics method. Journal of Vibration and Control, 30(3-4): 727–739. (Q2, IF = 2.8)

    [22] Ma T., Cui W., Zhao L., Ding Y., Fang G. S., Ge Y. J., 2023. Extreme wind speed prediction in mountainous area with mixed wind climates. Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment, 37: 1163-1181. (Q1, IF = 4.2)

    [23] Li Z., Xu K., Ma R., Fang G. S., Han Q., 2023. Vibration control of irregular bridges using spatially distributed TMD-type counterweights. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2350127. (Q2, IF = 3.6)

    [24] Wei M. M., Fang G. S.*, Zhao L., Wang Z. C., Wang J., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2023. Comparative study of typhoon wind hazard estimation in coastal region of China using different wind field parameter models. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 236: 105398. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [25] Zheng J., Fang G. S.*, Wang Z. L., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2023. Shape optimization of closed-box girder considering dynamic and aerodynamic effects on flutter: a CFD-enabled and Kriging surrogate-based strategy. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17: 1, 2191693. (Q1, IF = 6.1)

    [26] Xu S. Y., Fang G. S.*, Zhao L., Ge Y. J., Zhang J. F., 2023. Aerodynamic and aerostatic performance of a long-span bridge with wide single box girder installed with vertical and horizontal stabilizers. Journal of Structural Engineering, 149(8): 04023106. (Q2, IF = 4.1)

    [27] Wang Z. L., Zhao L., Chen H. L., Fang G. S., Li K., Ge Y. J., 2023. Flutter control of active aerodynamic flaps mounted on streamlined bridge deck fairing edges: an experimental study. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 997003. (Q1, IF = 5.4)

    [28] Liu Z. H., Fang G. S.*, Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2023. Uncertainty propagation of turbulence parameters for typhoon and non-typhoon winds in buffeting analysis of long-span bridges. Engineering Structures, 291: 116491. (Q1, IF = 5.5)

    [29] Xu S. Y., Fang G. S.*, Øiseth O., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2023. Experimental study on distributed aerodynamic forces of parallel box girders with various slot width ratios and aerodynamic countermeasures during vortex-induced vibration. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 240: 105493. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [30] Fang G. S., Liu Z. H., Pang W., Zhao L., Xu K., Cao S. Y., Ge Y. J., 2024. Probabilistic gust factor model of typhoon winds. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(1): 04023205. (Q2, IF = 4.1)

    [31] Xu S. Y., Fang G. S.*, Zhang M. J., Øiseth O., Zhao L., Ge Y. J., 2023. Optimization of tuned mass dampers for multiple mode vortex-induced vibration mitigation in flexible structures: an application to multi-span continuous bridge. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 205: 110857. (Q1, IF = 8.4)

    [32] Hu X. N., Fang G. S.*, Ge Y. J., 2024. Uncertainty propagation of flutter derivatives and structural damping in buffeting fragility analysis of long-span bridges using surrogate models. Structural Safety, 106: 102410. (Q1, IF = 5.8)

    [33] Wei M. M., Fang G. S.*, Ge Y. J., 2023. Tropical cyclone genesis prediction based on support vector machine considering effects of multiple meteorological parameters. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 236: 105398. (Q1, IF = 4.8)

    [34] Zhao L., Wang Z. L.*, Fang G. S.*, Zheng J., Li K., Ge Y. J., 2024. Flutter performance simulation on streamlined bridge deck with active aerodynamic flaps. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 1-21. 

    [35] Wang Z. L., Zhao L., Fu Y. H., Fang G. S., Cui W., Li K., Ge Y. J., 2024. Flutter control optimization for a 5000 m suspension bridge with active aerodynamic flaps: a CFD-enabled strategy. Engineering Structures, 303: 117457. (Q1, IF = 5.5)

    [36] Ge Y. J., Wen Z. P., Fang G. S.*, Lou W. J., Xu H. W., Wang G. J., 2024. Explicit solution framework and new insights of 3-DOF linear flutter considering various frequency relationships. Engineering Structures, Accepted. (Q1, IF = 5.5)

    [37] 方根深, 杨詠昕, 葛耀君, 周志勇. 半开口分离双箱梁涡振性能及其气动控制措施研究, 土木工程学报, 2017, 50(3): 74-82.

    [38] 方根深, 杨詠昕, 葛耀君. 大跨度桥梁PK箱梁断面颤振性能研究, 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(9): 25-31.

    [39] 方根深, 赵林, 梁旭东, 宋丽莉, 朱乐东, 葛耀君. 基于强台风“ 黑格比”的台风工程模型场参数在中国南部沿海适用性研究, 建筑结构学报, 2018, 39 (2): 106-113.

    [40] 方根深, 赵林, 宋丽莉, 葛耀君. 基于多场参数相关台风工程模型的上海地区台风设计风环境研究, 建筑结构学报, 2019, 40 (7): 13-22.

    [41] 赵林, 杨绪南, 方根深, 崔巍, 宋丽莉, 葛耀君. 超强台风山竹近地层外围风速剖面演变特性现场实测, 空气动力学学报, 2019, 37 (1): 43-54.

    [42] 方根深, Weichiang Pang, 赵林, 曹曙阳, 葛耀君. 我国东南沿海台风极值风速预测与区划图构建, 土木工程学报, 2021, 54 (7): 43-53.

    [43] 方根深, 赵林, 卫苗苗, 李珂, 葛耀君. 沿海典型大跨桥梁桥址区台风极端风荷载预测与应用, 同济大学学报, 2021, 49(10): 1390-1398.

    [44] 赵林, 程樾, 刘圣源, 方根深, 崔巍, 葛耀君. 桥梁主梁颤振临界风速预测的瞬时功率平衡算法, 土木工程学报, 2022.

    [45] 顾水涛, 钟胜, 李珂, 刘敏, 方根深. 基于本构均一化理论的多层复合材料流固耦合等效分析方法, 河海大学学报, 2022.

    [46] 刘继久, 刘圣源, 方根深*, 程樾, 徐胜乙, 赵林, 葛耀君, 2023. 流线型闭口箱梁大攻角颤振性能及演变机理研究. 中国公路学报, 36(11): 432-440.

    [47] 胡小浓, 方根深*,赵林,葛耀君, 2023. 基于Monte Carlo方法的极值风速估计误差分析及其应用, 建筑结构学报, 2023, 44(3): 175-184.

    [48] 赵林, 方根深*,展艳艳,陈逸群,葛耀君. 基于试验设计与代理模型的中央开槽箱梁气动外形优化方法, 桥梁建设, 2023, 52(6).

    [49] 徐胜乙, 方根深*, 赵林, 葛耀君. 双幅钢箱梁竖弯涡振气动力演变特性, 振动工程学报, 2024.

    [50] 赵林, 王达, 方根深, 崔巍, 葛耀君. 流线箱梁弯扭耦合气动力非线性特性与颤振行为预测, 中国公路学报, 2024.

    [51] 王子龙, 赵林, 崔巍, 方根深, 李珂, 葛耀君, 2023. 神经网络驱动的桥梁主动气动翼板颤振智能控制优化, 中国公路学报, 36(08): 32-41.


    [1] 《中国桥梁》(2013-2023),人民交通出版社,参编.


    [1] 发明专利:方根深, 赵林, 葛耀君. 桥梁结构(授权,ZL201910793488.0)

    [2] 发明专利:徐胜乙, 方根深, 赵林, 葛耀君. 一种可调透风率的桥梁栏杆结构(授权,ZL202011297036.2)

    [3] 发明专利:方根深, 徐胜乙, 赵林, 葛耀君. 一种提升双幅桥涡振性能的槽间裙板及双幅桥(授权,ZL202110447081.X)

    [4] 发明专利:王子龙, 方根深, 赵林, 陈翰林, 葛耀君. 一种主动型气动翼栅栏杆结构及其控制方法(授权,ZL 202110389211.9)

    [5] 发明专利:沈晓敏, 赵林, 葛耀君, 方根深, 崔巍. 一种免受桥梁拉索振动病害的柔性防水罩(授权,ZL202010966035.6)

    [6] 发明专利:赵林, 沈晓敏, 吴风英, 崔巍, 方根深, 葛耀君. 适用于桥面的可调角度的抑流板装置(授权,ZL202011000471.4)

    [7] 发明专利:赵林, 付以恒, 吴风英, 官华, 史慧彬, 崔巍, 方根深, 葛耀君, 宋神友, 陈焕勇, 刘健. 模拟二维车道运动状态的车-桥系统试验装置(授权,ZL202210540828.0)


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