Bin Yang




[1]  董缪思,杨彬,刘伯达,汪智晨,张冰涵,张其林.基于IFC标准的施工信息模型至图数据库的自动映射机制及其应用[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2023, 44(02):282-292. (EI检索)   

[2]  杨彬,刘伯达,肖建庄.基于BIM的钢框架结构的拆解分析及其实现[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2022, 43(S1):305-314. (EI检索)

[3]  杨彬, 吴梦琳, 张其林,等. 基于多元统计分析的P类膜材强度回归分析[J]. 同济大学学报:自然科学版, 2022, 50(9):9. (EI检索)

[4]  杨彬, 霍震霆, 罗晓群,等. 针织物与机织物膜材的力学特性对比[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2022(008):025. (EI检索) 

[5]  杨彬, 吴梦琳, 吕冰,等. PVDF膜材在自然老化和人工加速老化下力学性能变化的相关性研究[J]. 建筑结构, 2021, 51(23):7.    

[6]  杨彬, 肖少文, 吴天凯,等. 配置大直径高强钢筋预制柱的抗震性能研究[J]. 建筑结构(2021S1).    

[7]  罗晓群, 张锦东, 杨彬. 大变形下直立锁边屋面系统的水密性研究[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2019,46(07): 45-54. (EI检索)    

[8]  余少乐, 雷克, 张学伟, 杨彬, 等. 南京牛首山树状结构施工过程模拟和施工监测[J]. 建筑钢结构进展, 2019,21(05): 116-124.    

[9]  杨彬, 杨春贺, 肖建庄, 等. 基于BIM的装配式建筑施工场地布置及优化技术[J]. 建筑结构, 2019,49(S1): 921-925.    

[10] 潘玉珀, 董效杰, 刘琼, 肖建庄, 杨彬. 再生建筑材料回填施工技术及应用研究[J]. 建筑结构, 2019,49(S1): 790-794.    

[11] 张冰涵, 杨彬, 喻泽良. BIM虚拟建造技术在超高层建筑核心筒施工教学中的应用[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2019(40): 1-2.    

[12] 邢哲, 崔维久, 杨春贺, 杨彬. 基于RBF神经网络的网架结构损伤识别试验研究[J]. 结构工程师, 2019,35(04): 70-76.    

[13] 杨彬, 严玉洪, 李赟婷, 等. 自然老化PVDF膜材单轴力学性能的试验研究[J]. 建筑材料学报, 2018,21(5): 830-835. (EI检索)    

[14] 周宇阳, 杨彬, 张其林. 基于BIM的低碳建筑使用阶段节能分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调, 2018,37(10): 44-47.    

[15] 周莹, 杨彬. BIM技术解决海绵城市建设中存在问题的可行性初探[J]. 粉煤灰综合利用, 2017(03): 61-63.    

[16] 陈志杰, 张其林, 杨彬. 钢结构焊接裂纹监测技术研究与应用[J]. 施工技术, 2017,46(09): 89-92.    

[17] 李兆杨, 杨彬, 张其林. 台风“梅花”作用下中国航海博物馆风场特性及风振响应实测分析[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016,46(02):379-385. (EI检索)    

[18] 丁娟, 杨彬, 李瑞锋, 等. 采用钢板攻丝高强螺栓法兰连接的装配式钢框架柱受力性能研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2016,37(08): 143-150. (EI检索)    

[19] 李兆杨, 杨彬, 张其林, 等. 良态风作用下索膜结构风压特性现场实测研究[J]. 施工技术, 2016,45(11): 102-107.    

[20] 杨彬, 张齐. 基于Equest的村镇住宅建筑围护结构优化设计[J]. 建筑节能, 2015,43(05): 67-70.    

[21] 肖魁, 杨彬, 张其林, 等. 预制RC框架内嵌带竖缝剪力墙结构抗震性能研究[J]. 建筑结构学报, 2015,36(02): 61-68. (EI检索)    

[22] 朱思宇, 杨彬, 丁毅, 等. 风荷载下轻钢厂房新型墙面系统的试验研究[J]. 工业建筑, 2014,44(09): 145-149.    

[23] 贾斌, 雷克, 杨彬, 等. 巨型钢桁架柱外包不锈钢幕墙温度效应研究[J]. 建筑结构, 2014,44(01): 32-37.    

[24] 丁娟, 张其林, 张齐,陈国栋, 杨彬, 等. 多层预拼装钢结构系统特殊连接螺栓性能试验研究[J]. 结构工程师, 2014,30(04): 112-117.    

[25] 马腾远, 杨彬, 张其林, 等. 宁波火车南站钢结构内力监测系统及数据分析[J]. 山东农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,45(03): 414-417.   

[26] 贾斌, 张其林, 杨彬, 等. 预制框架内嵌竖缝剪力墙体系抗震性能试验[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2014,48(11): 1580-1587. (EI检索)    

[27] 李晗, 卢家森, 张其林, 吕佳, 杨彬, 等. 低周反复荷载下预制装配式竖缝剪力墙抗震性能研究[J]. 施工技术, 2014,43(04): 5-8.    

[28] 赵一婕, 张其林, 杨彬, 等. 鄂尔多斯体育场转换桁架节点试验研究[J]. 施工技术, 2014,43(09): 81-85.    

[29] 朱思宇, 杨彬, 张其林. 轻钢厂房新型墙面系统抗风性能研究[J]. 施工技术, 2014,43(16): 81-84.    

[30] 贾斌, 卢家森, 张其林, 吕佳, 杨彬, 等. 预制钢筋混凝土框架内嵌竖缝剪力墙体系性能研究[J]. 施工技术, 2014,43(08): 96-99.    

[31] 李晗, 杨彬, 张其林, 等. 上海中心施工过程动力特性的数值模拟与监测[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,45(07): 2369-2377. (EI检索)    

[32] 雷克, 贾斌, 杨彬, 等. 杭州东站大型无缝双曲面不锈钢幕墙系统温度效应研究[J]. 施工技术, 2013,42(15): 44-48.    

[33] 乔克, 杨彬, 李亮英, 等. 铝合金温室结构形状优化设计研究[J]. 低温建筑技术, 2012,34(10): 13-15.    

[34] 罗晓群, 张其林, 杨彬, 等. 建筑钢结构设计动画课件开发研究[J]. 高等建筑教育, 2012,21(01): 77-80.    

[35] 王磊, 杨彬, 张其林. 非均匀有理b样条曲面形状优化方法[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,39(07): 14-19. (EI检索)    

[36] TAGAWA HIROSHI, 雷克, 杨彬. 地震作用下钢结构的破坏及抗震性能的提高[J]. 建筑结构, 2011,41(12): 20-23.    

[37] MOTRO RENÉ, 吕佳, 杨彬. 张拉整体——从艺术到结构工程[J]. 建筑结构, 2011,41(12): 12-19.    


[1]  Yang B, Fang T*, Luo X, et al. A BIM-Based Approach to Automated Prefabricated Building Construction Site Layout Planning[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(4): 1535-1552. (一作,JCR 3区)    

[2]  Yang B, Zhu H*, Zhang Q, et al. Identification of wind loads on a 600 m high skyscraper by Kalman filter[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 63: 105440.(一作,JCR 1区)    

[3]  Liu B, Yang B*, Zhang B, et al. Spatio-temporal deduction of floor construction based on the agent modeling of construction actors[J]. Automation in Construction, 2022, 142: 104487.(学生第一、导师第二,JCR 1区)    

[4]  Liu B D, Yang B*, Han Y L, Xiao J Z, Dong M S. Establishment and application of multi-agent simulation system based on on-site construction performers [C]//17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC-17. 2022.    

[5]  YANG B, ZHANG B*, ZHANG Q, et al. Automatic detection of falling hazard from surveillance videos based on computer vision and building information modeling[J/OL]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2022, 18(7): 1049-1063. DOI:10.1080/15732479.2022.2039217.(一作,JCR2区)    

[6]  YANG B, PAN L*, ZHU H, et al. Spatiotemporal correlation analysis of the dynamic response of supertall buildings under ambient wind conditions[J/OL]. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2022, 31(4): e1914. DOI:10.1002/tal.1914.(一作,JCR 2区)    

[7]   Zhu H , Yang B , Zhang Q , et al. Wind engineering for high-rise buildings: A review[J]. Wind & structures, 2021(3):32. (学生第一、导师第二,JCR 3区)

[8]  ZHANG Q, WANG Z, YANG B*, et al. Reidentification-Based Automated Matching for 3D Localization of Workers in Construction Sites[J/OL]. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2021, 35(6): 04021019. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000975.(通讯,JCR 1区)    

[9]  ZHANG Q, SUN S, YANG B*, et al. Real-time structural health monitoring system based on streaming data[J/OL]. Smart Structures and Systems, 2021, 28(2): 275-287. DOI:10.12989/sss.2021.28.2.275.(通讯,JCR 1区)    

[10]  ZHANG B, YANG B*, WANG C, et al. Computer Vision-Based Construction Process Sensing for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Review[J/OL]. Sensors, 2021, 21(16): 5468. DOI:10.3390/s21165468.(学生第一、导师第二,JCR 2区)    

[11]  YANG B, ZHU H*, WUECHNER R, et al. Monitoring of wind effects on a wind-sensitive hybrid structure with single-layer cable-net curtain walls under Typhoon Muifa[J/OL]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 44: 102960. DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102960.(一作,JCR 1区)    

[12]  YANG B, LIU B*, XIAO J, et al. A novel construction scheduling framework for a mixed construction process of precast components and cast-in-place parts in prefabricated buildings[J/OL]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 43: 103181. DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103181.(一作,JCR 1区)    

[13]  YANG B, DONG M*, WANG C, et al. IFC-Based 4D Construction Management Information Model of Prefabricated Buildings and Its Application in Graph Database[J/OL]. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2021, 11(16): 7270. DOI:10.3390/app11167270.(一作,JCR 2区)     

[14]  WU J, HU N, DONG Y, ZHANG Q,YANG B*. Wind characteristics atop Shanghai Tower during typhoon Jongdari using field monitoring data[J/OL]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 33: 101815. DOI:10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101815.(通讯,JCR 1区)    

[15] WANG Z, ZHANG Q, YANG B*, et al. Vision-Based Framework for Automatic Progress Monitoring of Precast Walls by Using Surveillance Videos during the Construction Phase[J/OL]. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2021, 35(1): 04020056. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000933.(通讯,JCR 1区)    

[16] LIU B, YANG B, XIAO J, et al. Review of Optimization Dynamically Applied in the Construction and the Application Potential of ICT[J/OL]. Sustainability, 2021, 13(10): 5478. DOI:10.3390/su13105478.(学生第一、导师第二,JCR 2区)    

[17] YANG B, YU Z*, ZHANG Q, et al. The nonlinear orthotropic material model describing biaxial tensile behavior of PVC coated fabrics[J/OL]. Composite Structures, 2020, 236: 111850. DOI:10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111850.(一作,JCR 1区)    

[18] YANG B, LIU B*, ZHU D, et al. Semiautomatic Structural BIM-Model Generation Methodology Using CAD Construction Drawings[J/OL]. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2020, 34(3): 04020006. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000885.(一作,JCR 1区)    

[19] YANG B, ZHANG B, WU J, et al. A BIM-based quantity calculation framework for frame-shear wall structure[J]. Structural Engineering International, 2019,29(2): 282-291. (一作,JCR分区 4区)    

[20] YANG B, SHANG Y, WU M, et al. Statistical characteristics of naturally aged PVDF-coated fabrics' mechanical properties and structural reliability index[J]. Polymer Testing, 2019,80.(一作,JCR分区 1区)    

[21] ZHANG Q, TANG X, WU J, et al. Online automatic structural health assessment of the shanghai tower[J]. Smart Structures and Systems, 2019,24(3): 319-332.(JCR分区 1区)    

[22] ZHANG B, YANG B, WU T, et al. Experimental and numerical study on the capability behavior of a thick-walled spatial cast-steel joint under complex load conditions[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019,2019.(学生第一、导师第二,JCR分区 4区)    

[23] Zeliang Yu, Bin Yang, Bin Jia, et al. Test and numerical study on monotonic behavior of complex cft column joints[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019,2019: 1-20.(学生第一、导师第二,JCR分区 4区)    

[24] Yan Yu, Tao Liu, Qilin Zhang, YANG B. Wind-induced response of an l-shaped cable support glass curtain wall[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2017,2017.(JCR分区 3区)    

[25] Tao Liu, Bin Yang, Qilin Zhang. Health monitoring system developed for tianjin 117 high-rise building[J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017,30(2). (学生第一、导师第二,JCR分区 2区)    

[26] Yunting Li, Tao Liu, Bin Yang, et al. Effects of natural ageing on mechanical properties of pvdf-coated fabrics[J]. Structural Engineering International, 2016,26(4): 348-356.(JCR分区 2区)    

[27] Han Li, Qi-Lin Zhang, Bin Yang, et al. Development and application of construction monitoring system for shanghai tower[J]. Smart Structures and Systems, 2015,15(4): 1019-1039. (通讯,JCR分区 4区)    

[28] Bin Yang, Qilin Zhang, Zhihao Zhou. Solving truss topological optimization via swarm intelligence[J]. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015,19(7): 1962-1972.(一作,JCR分区 3区)    

[29] Bin Yang, Qilin Zhang, Han Li. Solving truss topological optimization with discrete design variables via swarm intelligence[J]. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015,19(4): 952-963.(一作,JCR分区 3区)    

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