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Rui   Zhou; Yaojun Ge; Yongxin Yang*;    Qingkuan Liu; Haijun Zhou; Lihai Zhang ; Effects of vertical central   stabilizers on nonlinear wind-induced stabilization of a closed-box girder   

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Jinbo   Zhu; Yongxin Yang*; Yaojun Ge; Shixiong Zheng; Rui Zhou ; Improvements in   Convergence Robustness with a 2D–3DOF Method: Application of Genetic   Algorithm to Coupled Flutter

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Yongxin   Yang; Jingie Zhang; Fengchan Cao; Yaojun Ge; Lin Zhao; Evaluation and   improvement of wind environment and vehicle safety on long-span bridge deck   under strong crosswind

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Yongxin   Yang; Rui Zhou; Yaojun Ge; Damith Mohotti; Priyan Mendis; Aerodynamic   instability performance of twin box girders for long-span bridges

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Rui   Zhou, Yaojun Ge, Yongxin Yang, Shiguo Chen. 2D and 3D flutter responses of   long-span suspension bridges with various aspect ratios

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Lei   Zhang, Yongxin Yang, Quanshun Ding, Yaojun Ge. On effectiveness of temporary   piers in buffeting suppression of a long-span cable-stayed bridge in   erection

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Rui   Zhou, Yongxin Yang, Yaojun Ge. Flutter Collapse Analysis of a Three-Dimension   Suspension Bridge with a New Nonlinear Aerodynamic Force Model

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