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    1. 国家自然科基金青年科学基金项目,变高荷载下大型深隧管片衬砌裂损机理及三维数值流形法研究,2018/01–2020/12,主持

    2. 上海市浦江人才计划(A类),城市排蓄深隧管片衬砌结构力学特性及变形裂损机理研究,2017/07–2019/06,主持

    3. 上海市自然科学基金项目,岩体曲面块体结构变形与失稳分析:理论、方法与程序,2021/07–2024/06,主持

    4. 上海市自然科学基金项目,典型脆性土工材料断裂演化与破坏机理的三维数值流形法研究,2017/05–2020/04,主持

    5. 上海市高峰学科建设项目,任意多面体凸分解最优化及其在隧洞围岩稳定性分析中的应用研究,2017/09–2019/08,主持

    6. 同济大学青年优秀人才培养计划,内部水压作用下深层排蓄管道变形与裂损过程的三维数值流形法研究,2017/01–2018/12,主持


    序号 论文题目 期刊名称 SCI/EI检索号

    Efficient investigation of rock crack propagation and fracture behaviors during impact fragmentation in rockfalls using parallel DDA

    Advances in Civil Engineering WOS:000695363200005
    2 A new DDA model for kinematic analyses of rockslides on complex 3-D terrain Bulletin of Engineering Geology and The Environment WOS:000431300600007
    3 Numerical simulation for run-out extent of debris flows using an improved cellular automaton model Bulletin of Engineering Geology and The Environment WOS:000407347000011
    4 Three-dimensional deformable distinct element method with polyhedral elements and cloud GPGPU acceleration
    Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000793453100001
    5 Three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis with explicit contact formulation and block-wise multicore CPU acceleration Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000696949800004
    6 Improved friction force calculation with an augmented open-close iteration formulation in discontinuous deformation analysis Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000604543700006
    7 Extensions of edge–to–edge contact model in three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis for friction analysis Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000366766500022
    8 A full-stage parallel architecture of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis using OpenMP Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000509627000031
    9 Exploring inelastic collisions using modified three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis incorporating a damped contact model Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000531079300022
    10 Contact detection between polygonal blocks based on a novel multi-cover system for discontinuous deformation analysis Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000469160500006
    11 A new algorithm to identify contact types between arbitrarily shaped polyhedral blocks for three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000387523300001
    12 A new approach for modeling landslide movement over 3D topography using 3D discontinuous deformation analysis Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000389166600008
    13 The last entrance plane method for contact indeterminacy between convex polyhedral blocks Computers and Geotechnics WOS:000494889800042
    14 Dynamic simulation of landslide dam behavior considering kinematic characteristics using a coupled DDA–SPH method Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements WOS:000403729700016
    15 Analysis of landslide-generated impulsive waves using a coupled DDA–SPH method Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements WOS:000370306000021
    16 Simulating the damage extent of unreinforced brick masonry buildings under boulder impact using three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis (3-D DDA) Engineering Failure Analysis WOS:000441524300012
    17 Improvements in DDA program for rockslides with local in-circle contact method and modified open-close iteration Engineering Geology WOS:000517660100039
    18 Study on dynamic response of rock slope with inverse non-persistent joints under earthquake Frontiers in Earth Science WOS:000800519300001
    19 Investigating the role of earthquakes on the stability of dangerous rock masses and rockfall dynamics Frontiers in Earth Science WOS:000750038100001
    20 Analysis of flexural toppling failure of anti-dip rock slopes due to earthquakes Frontiers in Earth Science WOS:000756047300001
    21 A stochastic rockfall model related to random ground roughness based on three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis Frontiers in Earth Science WOS:000740879900001
    22 Elementary analysis on the bed-sediment entrainment by debris flow and its application using the TopFlowDF Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk WOS:000369274900019
    23 Exploring the velocity distribution of debris flows: An iteration algorithm based approach for complex cross-sections Geomorphology WOS:000357145100007
    24 Research on fault cutting algorithm of the three-dimensional numerical manifold method International Journal of Geomechanics WOS:000398536900005
    25 Three-dimensional numerical manifold method based on viscoelastic constitutive relation International Journal of Geomechanics WOS:000556555300003
    26 Method for resolving contact indeterminacy in three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis International Journal of Geomechanics WOS:000445712500020
    27 Extension of three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis to frictional–cohesive materials International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences WOS:000376764600009
    28 Acceleration of contact detection between arbitrarily shaped polyhedra based on multi-cover methods in three dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences WOS:000562050100003
    29 Detection of contacts between three-dimensional polyhedral blocks for discontinuous deformation analysis International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences WOS:000360637800007
    30 Verification and application of 2-D DDA–SPH method in solving fluid–structure interaction problems Journal of Fluids and Structures WOS:000635596800004
    31 A 3-D DDA damage analysis of brick masonry buildings under the impact of boulders in mountainous areas Journal of Mountain Science WOS:000426086900016
    32 A modified method of discontinuity trace mapping using three-dimensional point clouds of rock mass surfaces Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering WOS:000540806700012
    33 3D numerical simulation of debris-flow motion using SPH method incorporating non-Newtonian fluid behavior Natural Hazards WOS:000372285600029
    34 Numerical simulation of landslide-dam using a 3D DDA and SPH coupled solid–fluid simulation technique Proceedings of the 7th China–Japan Geotechnical Symposium: New   Advances in Geotechnical Engineering WOS:000431849200003
    35 Angle-based contact detection in discontinuous deformation analysis Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering WOS:000562679600001
    36 Application of three-dimensional explicit discontinuous deformation analysis on wave propagation in rock masses using three viscous boundaries with the remedy for artificial joints Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
    Dynamic simulation of the water inrush process in tunnel construction using a three-dimensional coupled discontinuous deformation analysis and smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
    Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
    38 Rock tunnel stability analysis by an extended three-dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis method 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS10) EI:20191606800474
    39 基于局部凸分解的一般多面体接触搜索方法 岩石力学与工程学报 EI:20192307019311
    40 基于中心差分方案的显式三维非连续变形分析法 岩石力学与工程学报 EI:20183705792067
    41 一种增广拉格朗日优化方案及其非连续变形分析实现 岩土工程学报 EI:20192206992510


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