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    1. Qi-Teng Zheng, Shi-Jin Feng*, Shao-Jie Wu, Xiao-Lei Zhang, Hong-Xin Chen. Modeling of multifield coupling interactions in an aerobic landfill based on the finite volume method. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 146: 104704.


    2. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*. Control and estimation of maximum gas pressure below landfill cover with horizontal gas wells: Analytical study. Waste Management, 2020, 114, 33-42.


    3. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*. Design of horizontal landfill gas collection wells in non-homogeneous landfills. Waste Management, 2019, 98, 102-112.


    4. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*. Recovery response of vertical gas wells in non-homogeneous landfills. Waste Management, 2019, 83, 33-45.


    5. Qi-Teng Zheng, R. Kerry Rowe, Shi-Jin Feng*. Design of vertical landfill gas collection wells considering non-homogeneity with depth. Waste Management, 2018, 82, 26-36.


    6. He Chen, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*. Diffusion migration behavior of gas in unsaturated fractured soils: Fractal analytical study, Engineering Geology, 2022, 308: 106831.


    7. He Chen, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*, Hong-Xin Chen. Enhanced delivery of amendments in fractured clay sites based on multi-point injection: An analytical study. Chemosphere, 2022, 297: 134086.


    8. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*`, Chun-Hui Peng, Zhang-Wen Zhu, Chun-Bai-Xue Yang. Transient migration behavior of VOC vapor in layered unsaturated soils subjected to multiple time-dependent point pollution sources: Analytical study. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 806: 150370.


    9. Shi-Jin Feng, Shao-Jie Wu, Wen-Ding Fu, Qi-Teng Zheng*, Xiao-Lei Zhang. Slope stability analysis of a landfill subjected to leachate recirculation and aeration considering bio-hydro coupled processes. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2021, 8: 29.


    10. Shi-Jin Feng, Yang Shen, Qi-Teng Zheng*, Jia-Liang Shi. Multi-functional direct shear apparatus for geosynthetic interfaces with its application on various GMB/GCL interfaces. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, 17: 993-1008.


    11. Xiang-Hong Ding, Shi-Jin Feng, Qi-Teng Zheng*. A two-dimensional analytical model for contaminant transport in a finite domain subjected to multiple arbitrary time-dependent point injection sources. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 597: 126318.


    12. Shi-Jin Feng, Shao-Jie Wu, Qi-Teng Zheng*. Design method of a modified layered aerobic waste landfill divided by coarse material. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(2): 2182-2197.


    13. Shi-Jin Feng, Zhen-Wei Chen, Qi-Teng Zheng*. Effect of LCRS clogging on leachate recirculation and landfill slope stability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(6), 6649-6658.


    14. Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Hai-Jian Xie. A gas flow model for layered landfills with vertical extraction wells. Waste Management, 2017, 66: 103-113.


    15. Shi-Jin Feng*, Qi-Teng Zheng, Hong-Xin Chen. Unsaturated flow parameters of municipal solid waste. Waste Management, 2017, 63: 107-121.


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