学术论文“Catastrophic Failure of Shanghai Metro Line 4 in July, 2003: Occurrence, Emergency Response, and Disaster Relief”荣获美国土木工程师学会工程事故调查分会(ASCE Forensic Engineering Division)旗下《建造设施性能期刊》(Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)颁发的2021年度杰出期刊论文奖(Outstanding Journal Paper Award for 2021)(年度唯一). https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/JPCFEV.CFENG-4391.
学术论文“Spatial Corner Effects of Long and Narrow Multipropped Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Clay”荣获美国土木工程师学会工程事故调查分会(ASCE Forensic Engineering Division)旗下《建造设施性能期刊》(Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)颁发的2014年度杰出期刊论文奖(Outstanding Journal Paper Award for 2014). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000841.
2015年,两篇发表在美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》上系统研究上海软土地层中深基坑变形性状的姐妹篇论文在2015年国际基础工程学术会议暨设备博览会期间(IFCEE2015)被美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)选作该学会出版的岩土工程领域最受关注学术期刊论文范本:http://ascelibrary.org/page/ifcee2015.
两篇姐妹篇论文(Characteristics of a Large-Scale Deep Foundation Pit Excavated by the Central-Island Technique in Shanghai Soft Clay. I: Bottom-Up Construction of the Central Cylindrical Shaft 与 II: Top-Down Construction of the Peripheral Rectangular Pit)为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》 2014-2015年度阅读量排名第一、第二论文.
学术论文“Catastrophic Failure of Shanghai Metro Line 4 in July, 2003: Occurrence, Emergency Response, and Disaster Relief”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前二论文、三年内引用量排名前二;被期刊主编选为美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)2021年度2月精选文章,在ASCE出版社Twitter平台和ASCE中国代理iGroup微信公众号平台向读者推广介绍.
学术论文“Deep Excavation of the Gate of the Orient in Suzhou Stiff Clay: Composite Earth Retaining Systems and Dewatering Plans”曾连续四个月为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》阅读量排名第一论文.
学术论文“Is Basal Reinforcement Essential for Long and Narrow Subway Excavation Bottoming Out in Shanghai Soft Clay?”曾为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》阅读量排名第一论文.
学术论文“Forensic Geotechnical Analyses on the 2009 Building-Overturning Accident in Shanghai, China: Beyond Common Recognitions”曾多次为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》月阅读量排名第一论文,自2020年4月在线发表以来一直为该刊年阅读量排名前三论文,总阅读下载量已逾万余次.
学术论文“Responses of Shallowly Buried Pipelines to Adjacent Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Ground”曾为美国土木工程师学会管线系统工程与实践期刊《Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice》月阅读量排名第二论文.
学术论文“Investigation on Performance of a Large Circular Pit-in-Pit Excavation in Clay-Gravel-Cobble Mixed Strata”曾为国际隧道及地下空间技术期刊《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 》阅读量排名前20论文.
学术论文“Longitudinal Sliding Event during Excavation of Feng-Qi Station of Hangzhou Metro Line 1: Postfailure Investigation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文,且曾为该刊3年内引用量排名前五论文.
学术论文“Forensic Diagnosis of a Leaking Accident during Excavation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文,并为该刊3年内(2017-2020)引用量排名前三论文.
学术论文“Methodology for Simulation of Irregularly Shaped Gravel Grains and Its Application to DEM Modeling”曾为美国土木工程师学会土木工程计算期刊《ASCE- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering》月阅读量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Excavation of Middle Huai-Hai Road Station of Shanghai Metro Line 13: challenges, risks, countermeasures and performance assessment”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前三论文.
学术论文“Why Excavation of a Small Air Shaft Caused Excessively Large Displacements: Forensic Investigation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文;, 并为该刊3年内引用量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Covered Semi-Top-Down Excavation of Subway Station Surrounded by Closely Spaced Buildings in Downtown Shanghai: Building Response”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文, 并为该刊3年内引用量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Zoned Excavation of An Oversized Pit Close to An Existing Metro Line in Stiff Clay: Case Study”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文,并为该刊3年内(2015-2018)引用量排名前三论文.
学术论文“Lessons Learned from Construction of Shanghai Metro Stations: Importance of Quick Excavation, Prompt Propping, Timely Casting and Segmented Construction”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》三年内引用量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Observed Behavior of a Long and Deep Excavation Constructed by Cut-and-Cover Technique in Shanghai Soft Clay”曾为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》2012年度阅读量排名前五论文.
学术论文“Performance of an Overexcavated Metro Station and Facilities Nearby”在美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》2012年度阅读量中排名前五、被主编选为研究亮点论文(Research Highlights)并获得该期刊的2012年度杰出论文提名奖.
学术论文“Measured Performance of a 26 m Deep Top-Down Excavation in Downtown Shanghai”曾为加拿大岩土工程期刊《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》2011年度阅读量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Closure to "Comprehensive Load Test on Prestressed Concrete Piles in Alluvial Clays and Marl in Savannah, Georgia" by Yong Tan and Guoming Lin”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文.
学术论文“Stability Analyses on Slopes of Clay-Rock Mixtures Using Discrete Element Method”曾为工程地质期刊《Engineering Geology》下载量最大论文之一.
学术论文“Semiempirical Approach for Estimation of DDC-Induced Deflections of Sheet Pile Walls in Peat” 获得美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊(ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)的2010年度杰出期刊论文提名奖.
学术论文“Practical Solutions for Concurrent Excavation of Neighboring Mega Basements Closely Surrounded by Utility Tunnels in Shanghai Hongqiao CBD”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前三论文,且曾为该刊三年内引用量排名前五论文.
学术论文“Soil Arching due to Leaking of Tunnel Buried in Water-Rich Sand”曾为国际隧道及地下空间技术期刊《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 》阅读量排名前十论文.
学术论文“Ground Subsidence Hazards due to Crushing and Removing Large Isolated Boulder by Tunneling”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第十论文.
学术论文“Review of Cave-In Failures of Urban Roadways in China: A Database”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前四论文.
学术论文“Statistical Analyses on a Database of Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Clays in China from 1995–2018”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE-Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前二论文,且为该刊三年内引用量排名第一论文.
连续四年(2020-2023)入选爱思唯尔中国土木工程、地质资源与地质工程领域高被引学者(2020 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Civil Engineering、2021-2023 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering).
美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》2021年度杰出审稿人(2021 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer).
入选美国斯坦福大学与爱思唯尔共同发布的《全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单2024》(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2024)- “生涯科学影响力榜单”与“年度科学影响力排行榜”。