


  1. 学术论文“Catastrophic Failure of Shanghai Metro Line 4 in July, 2003: Occurrence, Emergency Response, and Disaster Relief”荣获美国土木工程师学会工程事故调查分会(ASCE Forensic Engineering Division)旗下《建造设施性能期刊》(Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)颁发的2021年度杰出期刊论文奖(Outstanding Journal Paper Award for 2021)(年度唯一). https://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/JPCFEV.CFENG-4391.

  2. 学术论文“Spatial Corner Effects of Long and Narrow Multipropped Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Clay”荣获美国土木工程师学会工程事故调查分会(ASCE Forensic Engineering Division)旗下《建造设施性能期刊》(Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)颁发的2014年度杰出期刊论文奖(Outstanding Journal Paper Award for 2014). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000841.

  3. 2015年,两篇发表在美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》上系统研究上海软土地层中深基坑变形性状的姐妹篇论文在2015年国际基础工程学术会议暨设备博览会期间(IFCEE2015)被美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)选作该学会出版的岩土工程领域最受关注学术期刊论文范本:http://ascelibrary.org/page/ifcee2015.

  4. 两篇姐妹篇论文(Characteristics of a Large-Scale Deep Foundation Pit Excavated by the Central-Island Technique in Shanghai Soft Clay. I: Bottom-Up Construction of the Central Cylindrical Shaft 与 II: Top-Down Construction of the Peripheral Rectangular Pit)为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》 2014-2015年度阅读量排名第一、第二论文.

  5. 学术论文“Catastrophic Failure of Shanghai Metro Line 4 in July, 2003: Occurrence, Emergency Response, and Disaster Relief”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前二论文、三年内引用量排名前二;被期刊主编选为美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)2021年度2月精选文章,在ASCE出版社Twitter平台和ASCE中国代理iGroup微信公众号平台向读者推广介绍.

  6. 学术论文“Deep Excavation of the Gate of the Orient in Suzhou Stiff Clay: Composite Earth Retaining Systems and Dewatering Plans”曾连续四个月为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》阅读量排名第一论文.

  7. 学术论文“Is Basal Reinforcement Essential for Long and Narrow Subway Excavation Bottoming Out in Shanghai Soft Clay?”曾为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》阅读量排名第一论文.

  8. 学术论文“Forensic Geotechnical Analyses on the 2009 Building-Overturning Accident in Shanghai, China: Beyond Common Recognitions”曾多次为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》月阅读量排名第一论文,自2020年4月在线发表以来一直为该刊年阅读量排名前三论文,总阅读下载量已逾万余次.

  9. 学术论文“Responses of Shallowly Buried Pipelines to Adjacent Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Ground”曾为美国土木工程师学会管线系统工程与实践期刊《Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice》月阅读量排名第二论文.

  10. 学术论文“Investigation on Performance of a Large Circular Pit-in-Pit Excavation in Clay-Gravel-Cobble Mixed Strata”曾为国际隧道及地下空间技术期刊《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 》阅读量排名前20论文.

  11. 学术论文“Longitudinal Sliding Event during Excavation of Feng-Qi Station of Hangzhou Metro Line 1: Postfailure Investigation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文,且曾为该刊3年内引用量排名前五论文.

  12. 学术论文“Forensic Diagnosis of a Leaking Accident during Excavation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文,并为该刊3年内(2017-2020)引用量排名前三论文.

  13. 发表于《隧道建设》期刊上的学术论文《基于流-固耦合的盾构隧道开挖面稳定性研究》获得中国土木工程学会地下工程分会地下铁道专业委员会“2017年度技术交流会”大会优秀论文三等奖.

  14. 学术论文“Methodology for Simulation of Irregularly Shaped Gravel Grains and Its Application to DEM Modeling”曾为美国土木工程师学会土木工程计算期刊《ASCE- Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering》月阅读量排名前十论文.

  15. 学术论文“Excavation of Middle Huai-Hai Road Station of Shanghai Metro Line 13: challenges, risks, countermeasures and performance assessment”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前三论文.

  16. 学术论文“Why Excavation of a Small Air Shaft Caused Excessively Large Displacements: Forensic Investigation”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文;, 并为该刊3年内引用量排名前十论文.

  17. 学术论文“Covered Semi-Top-Down Excavation of Subway Station Surrounded by Closely Spaced Buildings in Downtown Shanghai: Building Response”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文, 并为该刊3年内引用量排名前十论文.

  18. 学术论文“Zoned Excavation of An Oversized Pit Close to An Existing Metro Line in Stiff Clay: Case Study”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前十论文,并为该刊3年内(2015-2018)引用量排名前三论文.

  19. 学术论文“Lessons Learned from Construction of Shanghai Metro Stations: Importance of Quick Excavation, Prompt Propping, Timely Casting and Segmented Construction”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》三年内引用量排名前十论文.

  20. 学术论文“Observed Behavior of a Long and Deep Excavation Constructed by Cut-and-Cover Technique in Shanghai Soft Clay”曾为美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》2012年度阅读量排名前五论文.

  21. 学术论文“Performance of an Overexcavated Metro Station and Facilities Nearby”在美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》2012年度阅读量中排名前五、被主编选为研究亮点论文(Research Highlights)并获得该期刊的2012年度杰出论文提名奖.

  22. 学术论文“Measured Performance of a 26 m Deep Top-Down Excavation in Downtown Shanghai”曾为加拿大岩土工程期刊《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》2011年度阅读量排名前十论文.

  23. 学术论文“Closure to "Comprehensive Load Test on Prestressed Concrete Piles in Alluvial Clays and Marl in Savannah, Georgia" by Yong Tan and Guoming Lin”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第二论文.

  24. 学术论文“Stability Analyses on Slopes of Clay-Rock Mixtures Using Discrete Element Method”曾为工程地质期刊《Engineering Geology》下载量最大论文之一.

  25. 学术论文“Semiempirical Approach for Estimation of DDC-Induced Deflections of Sheet Pile Walls in Peat” 获得美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊(ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities)的2010年度杰出期刊论文提名奖.

  26. 学术论文“Practical Solutions for Concurrent Excavation of Neighboring Mega Basements Closely Surrounded by Utility Tunnels in Shanghai Hongqiao CBD”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE- Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前三论文,且曾为该刊三年内引用量排名前五论文.

  27. 学术论文“Soil Arching due to Leaking of Tunnel Buried in Water-Rich Sand”曾为国际隧道及地下空间技术期刊《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 》阅读量排名前十论文.

  28. 学术论文“Ground Subsidence Hazards due to Crushing and Removing Large Isolated Boulder by Tunneling”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名第十论文.

  29. 学术论文“Review of Cave-In Failures of Urban Roadways in China: A Database”曾为美国土木工程师学会建造设施性能期刊《ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities》月阅读量排名前四论文.

  30. 学术论文“Statistical Analyses on a Database of Deep Excavations in Shanghai Soft Clays in China from 1995–2018”曾为美国土木工程师学会结构设计与施工实践期刊《ASCE-Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction》月阅读量排名前二论文,且为该刊三年内引用量排名第一论文.

  31. 连续四年(2020-2023)入选爱思唯尔中国土木工程、地质资源与地质工程领域高被引学者(2020 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Civil Engineering、2021-2023 Most Cited Chinese Researchers in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering).

  32. 美国土木工程师学会岩土与环境岩土工程期刊《ASCE-Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》2021年度杰出审稿人(2021 ASCE Outstanding Reviewer).

  33. 2022年发表在《隧道建设(中英文)》的论文《基于LSTM算法的基坑变形预测》入选中国知网《学术精要数据库》2023年7-8月高影响力论文、被评为“2023年度《隧道建设》(中英文)最具影响力文章”.

  34. 2023年发表在《浙江大学学报(工学版)》上的论文《富水砂土基坑渗水对侧墙变形和周边环境的影响》入选中国知网《学术精要数据库》2024年5-6月高影响力论文。

  35. 入选美国斯坦福大学与爱思唯尔共同发布的《全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单2024》(Worlds Top 2% Scientists 2024)- “生涯科学影响力榜单”与“年度科学影响力排行榜”。

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