
1.       李国强教授2022525日线上参加The 10th International Conference on the Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas (STESSA 2021)TimisoaraRomania(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目: Development and Application of Multi-stage Steel Dampers.

2.       李国强教授202253日线上参加The HKIE Structural Division Annual Seminar 2021(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Blind bolting for connections between H-shaped beam and rectangular hollow section column. 

3.       李国强教授2019612日赴新加坡参加the Regency Steel Asia symposium2019(国际会议),作特邀报告报告题目:Connecting High-strength Steel for Construction.

4.       李国强教授2019613-14日赴新加坡参加6th International Conference on Applications of Structural Fire Engineering(ASFE’19). 作特邀报告。报告题目:Main issues on behavior of intumescent coatings. 

5.       李国强教授2018125-7日赴香港参加the Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS 2018),作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Framed Buildings under Extreme Events.

6.       李国强教授20181024-27日赴杭州参加The 15th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-15),作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Development of Structural Metal Dampers for Seismic Disaster Mitigation of Buildings.

7.       李国强教授201894-7日赴香港参加International Conference on Engineering Research and Practice for Steel Construction,作特邀主题报告。报告题目:FIRE SAFETY OF LARGE SPACE STEEL BUILDINGS .

8.       李国强教授201894-7日赴澳大利亚参加13th International Conference on Steel, Space and Composite Structures(SS18),作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Research on Progressive Collapse Resistance of Steel Frames under Localized Fire. 

9.       李国强教授2018214-17赴新西兰参加The 9th Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Area (STESSA 2018),作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Development of Structural Metal Energy-Dissipation Techniques for Seismic Disaster Mitigation of Buildings in China.

10.     李国强教授2017811-12日赴美国参加the 3rd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers,作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Enhancing aseismic performance of buildings with bifunctional metal components. 

11.     李国强教授2017825日赴香港参加Design of steel & composite structural in accordance with Eurocodes,作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Structural Dampers  Bifunctional Members for Enhancing Seismic Performance of Buildings

12.     李国强教授201797-8日赴英国参加Applications of Structural Fire Engineering (ASFE '17) ,作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Fire-Resistance of Steel Structures for Large Space Buildings. 

13.     李国强教授2017111-4日赴韩国参加The 9th International Symposium on Steel Structures. ,作特邀主题报告。报告题目:Behavior of bolt bearing on high strength steel plate. 

14.     李国强教授2016126日赴香港参加International Symposium on Advances in Steel and Composite Structures 2016(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:The Strength of Connections with Welds or High Strength Bolts for High Strength Structural Steel

15.     李国强教授20161021日赴北京参加钢结构前沿技术发展论坛中国建筑标准设计研究院建院60周年系列学术活动(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:钢结构防火设计。

16.     李国强教授20161018-21日赴北京参加4th international conference on protective structures(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Experimental Investigation on behavior of steel frames against progressive collapse under impacts

17.     李国强教授20161022日赴合肥参加第九届全国防震减灾工程学术研讨会(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:新型金属承载-消能减震双功能结构技术与应用。

18.     李国强教授20150213日赴香港参加Symposium on Future Development of Seismic Design(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Concrete Shear Walls Coupled with Energy-Dissipating Elements for Earthquake-Resistance

19.     李国强教授20150612日赴香港参加Joint structural division CAnnual Seminar 2015(国际会议)。报告题目:Application of high-structural steel in seismic areas

20.     李国强教授20151029日赴大连参加首届城市灾害防御技术学术会议(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:金属耗能结构构件减震技术--研究与应用。

21.     李国强教授2015129日赴澳大利亚参加Second International Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering(PLSE2015)(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Enhancing performance of buildings in seismic zone with structural metal dampers

22.     李国强教授2014919日赴合肥参加第六届结构工程新进展国际论坛(国际会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Study and Application of Buckling-Restrained Brace on Seismic Reduction Technology

23.     李国强教授20141022日赴济南参加泰山学术论坛(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:钢结构工业化建筑的现状与展望。

24.     李国强教授201441日赴北京参加香山科学会议(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:城市重要设施地下空间的火灾动力学行为与结构安全预测。

25.     李国强教授2014515日赴台北参加第三届海峡两岸减震技术交流会(国内会议),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:钢板墙设计理论与应用。

26.     李国强教授2013108-11日赴新加坡参加The 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 2013,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Main Issues on Seismic Resistance of Steel Frames Coupled with Concrete Core for Tall Buildings

27.     李国强教授2013710-12日赴山东青岛参加2013山东省泰山学术论坛-土木工程防灾减灾专题会议,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:高层钢结构建筑抗震研究进展。

28.     李国强教授201376-7日赴哈尔滨参加5th International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil EngineeringISISS),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Challenging Issues on Seismic Resistance of Steel-Concrete Hybrid Structures for Tall Buildings

29.     李国强教授2013619日赴韩国首尔参加CTBUH Korea Conference 2013,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Main Issue on Seismic Resistance of Steel Frames Coupled with Concrete Core for Tall Buildings

30.     李国强教授2013228日赴日本东京参加10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering,作邀请报告。报告题目:Experimental Study on Buckling-Restrained Steel Plate Shear Walls with Different Aspect Rations

31.     李国强教授20121212-14日赴青岛参加11th International Conference on steel space & composite structures,作邀请报告。报告题目:The Chinese Performanc-Based Code for Fire-Resistance of Steel Structures

32.     李国强教授2012124-7日赴香港参加First International Conference on performance-based and life-cycle structural engineering,作邀请报告。报告题目:The National Specification for Fire-Resistance of Steel Structures in China

33.     李国强教授2012525-27日赴烟台参加2012 International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials,作大会特邀主题报告。报告题目:Research for Application of High Strength Structural Steels in Seismic Zones

34.     李国强教授2012414-16日赴南京参加The 7th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures,作大会特邀主题报告。报告题目:Research for Application of High Strength Structural Steels in Seismic Zones

35.     李国强教授20121122日赴深圳参加第五届结构工程新进展暨第七届海峡两岸及香港钢结构技术交流会,作大会特邀主题报告。报告题目:波纹腹板H型钢的研究。

36.     李国强教授201253日赴香港参加Development and Implementation of Fire Engineering for the Next Decade--4 th Annual Symposium HKIE FIRE DIVISION2012,作大会邀请报告。报告题目:Special Issues for Fire-Resistance of Steel Buildings

37.     李国强教授20111210日赴广州参加第二届建筑结构基础理论与创新实践论坛,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:高强结构钢在地震区应用的问题及研究进展。

38.     孙飞飞副教授2011129日赴广州参加第二届建筑结构基础理论与创新实践论坛,作分会场邀请报告。报告题目:考虑高宽比和梁变形影响的防屈曲开缝钢板墙刚度研究。

39.     李国强教授20111125日赴广州参加第六届全国结构抗火技术交流会。报告题目:钢结构防火涂料应用的若干问题。

40.     李国强教授2011118日赴澳门参加首届两岸四地钢结构峰会,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:高强结构钢在地震区应用的问题及研究进展。

41.     楼国彪老师2011926日赴海口参加第四届全国建筑防火及防火材料学术研讨会,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:建筑钢结构防火安全评估与防火保护设计。

42.     李国强教授2011630日赴中国香港参加Third International Symposium on Innovative Design of Steel Structures,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Challenging Issues in Fire Protection of Steel Structures

43.     李国强教授2011628日赴新加坡参加the third international symposium on innovative design of steel structures,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Challenging Issues in Fire Protection of Steel Structures

44.     孙飞飞副教授2011518日赴North Cyprus参加10th Int'l Conf. on Steel, Space and Composite Structures (SS11),作大会特邀报告。报告题目:Application Strategy of Buckling-restrained Braces in Frameworks

45.     李国强教授2011516日赴上海参加2011 CTBUH China Workshop,作大会特邀报告。报告题目:高层建筑钢结构现代抗火设计方法。

46.     李国强教授于20101019-22日参加了在意大利那不勒斯中国北京举办的Ninth Pacific Structural Steel Conference 2010,并作了题为2010上海世博钢结构及其防灾的特邀大会主题报告

47.     李国强教授于2010916-18日参加了在意大利那不勒斯举办的Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrohpic Events,并作了题为To Challenging problems in fire protection of steel structures的特邀大会主题报告

48.     李国强教授于2010827日参加了在香港举办的Third International Symposium on Cold-Formed Metal Strucures,并作了题为Fire Resistance Design on Steel Structures for Large Enclosure in China的特邀大会主题报告

49.     李国强教授于2010626日参加了在香港举办的the Contemporary Seismic Engineering 2010,并作了题为Application of Buckling-Restrained Braces in Steel Frameworks against Earthquakes的特邀大会主题报告